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Tag Archives: healthy

Safe consumption of asparagus.

Today, there is very little data supporting the medical benefits of consuming asparagus. Most of this information is obtained from animal testing. or human cells in test tubes. Therefore, there is still no clear and reliable evidence regarding the benefits and dosage for consumption. Consumers should therefore primarily consider


 Lutein is a type of carotenoid which has properties that help filter blue light and protect the skin from high-energy light waves. Therefore, it is believed that if you eat supplements or fruits and vegetables that are rich in lutein. It will help nourish and brighten your

Nutritional Value of Greek Yogurt.

Greek yogurt contains many nutrients. Compared to general yogurt that has the same amount. Greek yogurt has 2 times more protein than regular yogurt menu. Greek yogurt is a source of protein that is necessary for tissue repair. Hormonal work immune system  and neurotransmitters in the brain Also contains